TrueAchievements is a leading Xbox community, built and grown by gamers with an insatiable desire to hunt down the gaming worlds rarest achievements, and prove their gaming worth to the world.

Founded in 2008 around the principle that not all achievements are created equally, the site set out to reassign achievements a score based on their rarity (TrueAchievement Score) by taking in to account the number of gamers with a game, and the percentage of those whom have unlocked an achievement (TA Ratio).

Today TrueAchievements has grown into one of the largest unofficial Xbox communities on the web, offering a friendly environment for gamers to share their gaming knowledge by providing achievement solutions, as well as providing gamers with the ability to set up gaming sessions to collect achievements, or just to meet new friends.

That's not all though! TA has walkthroughs, Xbox news, community events, chat rooms and the ever eventful forums, all in addition to tracking your gaming progress and helping you to set and meet your gaming goals.

You do not need to be a member of TrueAchievements to get the basic features of this lovingly crafted app, but membership is free and it will allow you to utilise a lot of the cooler features on offer (such as game progress and achievement tracking) and will allow you to sign up for gaming sessions on the site!

If you'd like to take the plunge you can do so by selecting the "Register today" button on the home screen and filling out your details (you can also sign up at on your computer or smart device).

Once you have signed up on site you don't need any extra details to log in to the app, simply open it up with your GamerTag signed and you will be taken to your homepage automatically.

Certain features of the TrueAchievements application require interaction with the site, such as signing up for gaming sessions and adding friends.

You can also sign up for community events, post in the forums or chat room, send private messages, track your gaming milestones and achievement to-do lists, write blogs, and share your gaming knowledge on the site by uploading achievements solutions.

Achievement tracking is only available after registering on the TrueAchievements website, and achievement unlock status will not update immediately upon the popping of an achievement in a game.

Your profile will be scanned periodically and all achievements earned will be added (though you can request a faster update several times per day on your gamer page on site).

Achievement solutions are provided and ranked by the community, so be sure to leave feedback on solutions by giving them an up or down vote!

You can only sign up for gaming sessions after registering on the TrueAchievements website. You an sign up for sessions on your console by clicking the "Go to" button on the gaming sessions page which can be found by clicking the "Gaming sessions" button on your homepage (while logged in).

The TrueAchievements friend feed is based around the friends you have added on TrueAchievements website (not your Xbox Live friends list), and so is only available after signing up on the site. Once registered on the site you will need to find your friends profile using their GamerTag ( and add them as a TrueAchievements friend.

Your friends do not need to register their GamerTags on the site in order for you to add them.

You can also use the TrueAchievements app to catch up on Xbox gaming news, as well as to view your gaming milestones (requires TrueAchievements account).

Why does the app still say I haven't unlocked the achievement I just unlocked?

As we have many gamers on the site it can take some time for your GamerTag to be scanned to pick up new achievements. You can manually request a scan on the TrueAchievements website on your gamer page, and this will add you to a shorter scan queue (though you can only do this a limited number of times per day if you are not a pro subscriber).

Why aren't my Xbox Live friends achievements being displayed on my friend feed?

Your TrueAchievements friends list is separate from your Xbox Live friends list. If you would like to track a gamer you can add them at (they do not need to be registered on site).

If you are having a problem with the application that isn't in this documentation, you can send us an email at