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[FR]Xbox Home Menu
[FR]The king has died. Having vowed to deliver His Majesty's remains to a suitable resting place, the brave Princess and her loyal Fiancé have made their way to the Royal Catacombs. As the hallowed caverns were almost completely mined out by the late king, his coffin was crafted into a funeral chariot that should have no trouble navigating the giant chasms and narrow corridors of the ancient sprawling caves.

[FR]The journey ahead won't be easy, but the Princess and her Fiancé have more than one trick up their sleeve. After all, they made a promise to His Majesty, and they intend to keep it.
[FR]The Fiancé doesn't see danger; instead, he only sees the beauty around him. Always ready to do what he can to cheer up the love of his life, he would gladly follow her to the ends of the world. He wants to carry out the King's final wishes, both to show that he deserves His Majesty's royal trust, and because it's the decent thing to do.
[FR]The Princess doesn't see danger; instead, she only sees a challenge that she can't wait to overcome. She enjoys getting things done and looking good in the process. Resourceful and confident, she's a born leader - which works out just fine, as she's next in line for the throne. She loves her Fiancé dearly, and despite her father's many faults, still wants to honor the good she saw in him.
[FR]The King sees danger everywhere, even though he's already dead. In his lifetime, his colossal greed knew no limit; he even went so far as to mine the Royal Catacombs, extracting a great quantity of precious metals and gems from around his ancestors' graves. Today, as a ghost, he still craves loot in all its forms and continues to voraciously gather it, awaiting the final resting place he truly deserves.
[FR]The Shopkeeper doesn't see danger; instead, he only sees an opportunity to pursue his dream of becoming a successful, official tradesman of the guild. His willingness to see the good in everything has made him a bit of a target for those of lesser scruples, his current employers included. But he takes it all in stride and continues to believe that if he works hard enough, one day his shop will become successful and he'll get the recognition he's always dreamed of.