“Ride” is a game about bikes, designed for people who love the world of motorcycling. "Ride" brings together the most sought-after manufacturers, the most beautiful street bikes on the market, thrilling high-speed races, and a tour that will take you around the world, riding on tracks with their own unique styles (race tracks, country tracks and city tracks).

Bike customisation:

You can make your bike unique by customising it: choose from hundreds of different modifications. Some of these, such as the liveries and grips, only alter the appearance of the bike, while others, such as chains or air filters, improve the bike's performance.
What's more, before each race you can tinker with advanced set-ups by selecting the "bike settings" option to customise your riding experience down to the last detail.
Quick Race:
Choose any bike and any track to compete in a quick race with 16 riders.

Default configuration:

Rear Brake
Gear Up
Gear Down
Front Brake/Reverse
Weight Forward
Weight Backward
Steer Left
Steer Right
View Left
View Right
View Down
View Up
View Back
Increase TCS
Decrease TCS
Change Camera
Customer support:

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