Pick a Song

You can drop right in by pushing the song tile displayed on the Main Menu OR you can check out "Songs" to see the full list of songs that you can play.


Want to get your sweat on? Fitness mode lets you dance without a break for up to 90 minutes, and tracks your calories burned as you dance.

Routines and Characters

After you pick a song, choose a routine. Each song has eight routines, some will be locked at first. If you’ve never played, start with Beginner.

There are also 6 different characters to dance with. Scroll right from the routine select and pick any one you want.

Unlock Routines

When you earn a "Flawless" rating you'll collect moves and unlock new routines for that song. Challenging routines, extra easy routines, fitness based routines, and more. Play the way you like.

Get New Songs

Expand your Song Collection by purchasing Songs from the Store. Stop in weekly for new releases and be sure to always check the Spotlight Section for deals.


Perform your favorite routines solo or with a friend. Follow the dancer, collect moves, and explore new game content.

Mirror the Dancer

Once in game, try to match the Dancer’s movements as closely as possible, like you are looking into a mirror.

Watch the Spotlight

See that circle by the Dancer’s feet? That’s your Spotlight. At the end of each move the Spotlight will tell you how well you performed that move.

Per-Limb Feedback

If one of the dancer's arms or legs glows red during a move, it means that you need to adjust your body.

Practice That

Drop into Practice That at any time during gameplay. Practice tricky choreography combinations or drill a single move.

Collect those Moves

Earn a "Flawless" rating on any move in a song and you will collect it's unique flashcard. Try to collect every move in each routine.

Hit Peak State

Whoa! Check out what happens when you earn several “Flawless” ratings in a row. You’ll see the whole club transformed into a sweet music video environment.


Pick a duration, and Dance Central Spotlight will build a playlist with your songs at LEAST as long as the time you have picked. It might even go over, because hey, we don't want to cut songs off in the middle.

We'll start by using the songs included with Spotlight, but any new songs you buy will be added to the list.


On the Routines tab you can turn on and off any type of routine that you have unlocked. Strength and Cardio are always unlocked here for every song. You have to pick at least one routine type. Fitness mode will use the routine types you have selected to randomly generate a playlist.

Player Data

Entering your Height and Weight will allow Spotlight to more accurately compute how many calories you are burning. We won't use or send this data outside of Fitness mode or display it anywhere but here.

If you don't want to enter this data, that's cool. The calorie count just might not be quite as accurate.

If you want to delete your Fitness data, go to the Settings screen. There's an option to remove your Time Danced, Calories Burned, and Height and Weight information.

Displays of calories burned are estimates only and will vary by song/level and other individual factors such as height and weight. Individual results may vary. Please see the Health and Safety warnings in the About menu of the game.


Drop into Practice That while you are dancing to practice a tricky choreography combination or drill a single move over and over. Practice That is only available in Single Player mode.

Getting In

Hit the button on the controller ANY time you are dancing to enter Practice mode. You'll be able to immediately practice the moves that you were just dancing as many times as you want.


While you are practicing hit the button to practice a single move in slow motion. Great for extra tricky moves.

Return to regular speed with the button again.

Previous and Next

You can move to the next, or previous, set of moves in the song by using the and buttons.

All Done?

When you are ready to return, hit the button again.

Using the Kinect

Use your body to match the dancer's movements as closely as possible!

Using a Controller

Enter/Exit Practice
Slow Down/Speed Up Practice
Practice previous moves
Practice next moves


Toggle this option to turn off the in-game freestyle visualizations. You'll see regular choreography instead of freestyle sections.

Practice That

Toggle this option if you want to turn off Practice mode.

AV Calibration

Go here to calibrate audio and visual delay to match your TV and sound system. This might be helpful if you are having a hard time performing dance moves accurately.


You're reading this so I'm guessing you know what this button does. You can also access this help any time from the Pause menu.


View Xbox One Achievements that you have (or haven't) gotten for Dance Central Spotlight.

Reset Fitness Data

This option allows you to reset your Fitness Time Danced, Calories Burned, and Height and Weight information. It won't affect your other game progress in any way.


Watch this if you want to see who made this game. Please do it at least once. We all want our families to be proud of us.
Need further assistance? Go to http://www.dancecentral.com/support for more information.

Kinect Warning

Make sure you have enough space so you can move freely while playing. Gameplay with Kinect may require varying amounts of movement. Make sure you won't hit, run into, or trip over other players, bystanders, pets, furniture, or other objects when playing. If you stand or move during gameplay, you need good footing.

Before playing: Look in all directions (right, left, forward, backward, down, and up for things you might hit or trip over. Be sure your play area is far enough away from windows, walls, stairs, etc. Make sure there is nothing you might trip on - for example, toys, furniture, loose rugs, children, pets, etc. If necessary, move objects or people out of the play area. Don't forget to look up - be aware of light fixtures, fans, or other objects overhead when assessing the play area.

While playing: Stay far enough away from the television to avoid contact. Keep enough distance from other players, bystanders, and pets - this distance may vary between games, so take account of how you are playing when determining how far away you need to be. Stay alert for objects or people you might hit or trip on - people or objects can move into the area during gameplay, so you should always be alert to your surroundings. Make sure you always have good footing while playing. Play on a level floor with enough traction for the game activities, and make sure you have appropriate footwear for gaming (no high heels, flip flops, etc. or are barefoot if appropriate.

Before allowing children to use Kinect: Determine how each child can use Kinect and whether they should be supervised during these activities. If you allow children to use Kinect without supervision, be sure to explain all relevant safety and health information and instructions. Make sure children using Kinect play safely and within their limits, and make sure they understand proper use of the system.

To minimize eyestrain from glare: Position yourself at a comfortable distance from your monitor or television and the Kinect sensor; place your monitor or television and Kinect sensor away from light sources that produce glare, or use window blinds to control light levels; choose soothing natural light that minimizes glare and eyestrain and increases contrast and clarity; and adjust your monitor's or television's brightness and contrast.

Don't overexert yourself. Gameplay with Kinect may require varying amounts of physical activity. Consult a doctor before using Kinect if you have any medical condition or issue that affects your ability to safely perform physical activities or if: You are or may be pregnant; you have heart, respiratory, back, joint, or other orthopedic conditions; you have high blood pressure or difficulty with physical exercise; or you have been instructed to restrict physical activity. Consult your doctor before beginning any exercise routine or fitness regimen that includes Kinect. Do not play under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and make sure your balance and physical abilities are sufficient for any movements while gaming. Stop and rest if your muscles, joints, or eyes become tired or sore. If you experience excessive fatigue, nausea, shortness of breath, chest tightness, dizziness, discomfort, or pain, STOP USING IMMEDIATELY, and consult a doctor. See the Healthy Gaming Guide at www.xbox.com for more information.

Photosensitive Seizures

A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these photosensitive epileptic seizures while watching video games.

These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking nearby objects.

Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms - children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures. The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions: Sit or stand farther from the screen; use a smaller screen; play in a well-lit room; and do not play when you are drowsy or fatigued.

If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playing.